About Me

SIMPLY...plainly: without embellishment. Just so you'll have no expectations, that's why I named my blog "Simply Sherrie". I don't do much on the computer, I'm not very creative, and our daily routine with just Reg, Suki (our cat) and myself is not very exciting. So here we go, the important thing is that my life as a blogger is about to begin......

Sunday, January 18, 2009


The Steelers are going to the Super Bowl! Reg is so happy and the rest of the Pendleton boys as well. This has been their team forever. The interesting thing is that our son-in-law John from Arizona is of course for the Cardinals so it's going to be a very fun Super Bowl. Eric has not committed as to what team he is going for.

Monday night we got together for Family Home Evening with the Hansen's and made wheat bread. The men insisted they helped do it all, grind the wheat, measure the ingredients, form the loaves, bake it and of course eat it. We really are trying to be better prepared and eat healthier as well. Instead of Reg being the "cookie maker" he might become the "bread maker"in the family.

I got these measuring spoons from Wendy for Christmas and they are awesome. They are magnetic so they stay together all the time and don't get separated in the drawer. But at the same time you can quickly pull them apart and don't have to wash the whole set like the ones attached with a ring. I was always too lazy to separate them or to lazy to put them back together after using them, so this is the greatest. The only bad thing is that one stuck to a metal pan that I put in the oven so it melted. . . I'm sorry Wendy!

See this cut............

I got it with my brand new sharp CUTCO knives I also got for Christmas. In my 40 years of marriage I have never owned a good set of knives. I have spent so much time sawing things apart and smashing the food in the process. My uncle used to bring his knife sharpener to my house every time he would come for dinner cause my knives were always so dull. But that didn't help much cause they were terrible knives to begin with. Well all I can say is that I never new knives could be so sharp, it 's so wonderful. I just need to be a little more careful. I just barely touched my had with it and wow I was bleeding.

This past couple of weeks have been nice because my Aunt La Rue has been down here from Salt Lake. She is one of the sweetest ladies in my life and I love her so much. Last year she fell down her stairs and has been in poor health ever since. But, she finally made it down and we had a nice time hanging out with her. She will be 85 the end of this month and she still looks darling.

The very best thing that happened this week was that the U.S. Airways plane landed safely in the Hudson River without any fatalities. . . . . . wasn't that so WONDERFUL!


Grammy Staffy said...
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Anonymous said...

Another wonderful Sunday Six Sherrie! I think this Super Bowl thing could get ugly, we will have to keep our Arizona fan away from all the Pendleton men for awhile. HA! I love the measuring spoons, what a great idea (except the putting them in the oven part!) I love the knives, Cutco's are the BEST! But you do have to be careful! I love LaRue too, I'm glad you got to spend some time with her. We really do have lots to be thankful for....BIG and small!

Grammy Staffy said...
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Kris said...

I have such fun memories of LaRue. I am sorry that she hasn't been feeling well. Tell her hi if you think of it.
I can smell that bread!
I have Cutco knives too.. They are wonderful. Did yo get the scissors too?

I have discovered that the Ensign DOES come in audio!!!! Lynn would need a special 4 sided (whatever that means) tape recorder. What do you think? Should we look into it?

Grammy Staffy said...

You have many things to be happy about. I enjoy reading your Sunday Six.

Sherrie would you please email me and give me your phone number? I would like to get in touch with you in the next couple of days.

thanks, Lura

Grammy Staffy said...

upps, I forgot to give you my email. It is

Jen and Lance said...

I agree the flight landing was wonderful. Hopefully your cut heals wonderfully!