About Me

SIMPLY...plainly: without embellishment. Just so you'll have no expectations, that's why I named my blog "Simply Sherrie". I don't do much on the computer, I'm not very creative, and our daily routine with just Reg, Suki (our cat) and myself is not very exciting. So here we go, the important thing is that my life as a blogger is about to begin......

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Reggie how did we get to this point so quickly? It doesn't seem like 37 years ago that I was ironing away when I thought hum my back ache, my legs ache, I'm not feeling very good. " Oh my gosh I think I'm having labor pains! " Well I'm glad I don't have to do that again. Today I am remembering my favorite things about you.....my eldest son. I love to look at you, you are still so handsome,I can say that cause I'm your Mom.
I like to watch you when your concentrating on a project. You used to get your tongue going back and forth, like when you would do your homework and you still do it when your intense. I admire your work ethic, you've always been a hard worker even as a little guy. You always have a beautiful yard and are so willing to help others with their projects and yards as well. I love the way you can talk to anyone and make them feel comfortable and important.

I really love watching you with your darling family. You are a natural hands on kind of guy. You can cook, clean, bathe the kids, do laundry, vacuum, grocery shop, and so on when needed. ( Although Wendy has things under control most of the time) The best thing is to to see you hugging and kissing your wife and kids as you laugh and play together.

Thanks for being the wonderful man that you have become. I am blessed to have an obedient, priesthood holder as my son who is willing to serve Heavenly Father where ever you are needed. Even as the young men's president out on a camp out in freezing weather on your birthday! I hope you get home safely. HAPPY BIRTHDAY



Shanel said...

40 is approaching very quickly...I can't believe it! We love you big bro.

Shenise said...

Wow! I thought this year was 36! Well, Happy Birthday to you and may you think of a birthday wish and may it come true!Love you!

Grammy Staffy said...

Happy Birthday to both Reggie and Eric. I can't believe Reggie is 37...wasn't he that cute kid running around just a few years ago????

How time flies!!!

Lovely tribute to your sweet son.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Reggie! You're a lucky mom to have such a wonderful son, he is all those things you said and more, I'm sure! He's lucky too, to have such great parents who are such good examples for him to pattern his life after. What goes around, comes around!

wendy said...

You know that Reggie is a product of wonderful parenting. Thanks for being such a good mom. When I was at Cosco the other day, the Lundbergs were there pushing their new book that happens to be about difficult in-laws. They approached me and asked if I had any problems with my in-laws. I told them I had the perfect in-laws, who I love like my own parents. I said I had no need for there book! I don't think they hear that very often.

wendy said...

Will you email the pictures from your last post. I don't have any of them in my collection. Love ya!

Jen and Lance said...

Reg looks forty he is only 37?

Kristin said...

Reggie..Reggie...Reggie (this is Jason by the way). Happy B-Day again. I hope #37 was better than #36. Don't let the rude comments get to you but, you do look just a little older. La Puente is on me this week.