About Me

SIMPLY...plainly: without embellishment. Just so you'll have no expectations, that's why I named my blog "Simply Sherrie". I don't do much on the computer, I'm not very creative, and our daily routine with just Reg, Suki (our cat) and myself is not very exciting. So here we go, the important thing is that my life as a blogger is about to begin......

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My friend Nancy tells me that I should do a "Sunday Six" on my blog each week. So I reflected on the things that I am grateful for this week or the things that made me smile. So here they are in no particular order of importance.......

1. We have been so excited for "Nights of Rodanthe" to come to the theater. Jim, Nancy, Reg and I listened to the book on tape/CD a while back on our way to California. Tuesday night we all went to see the movie...and we think it was even better than the book!

2. Shanel and I got together and made witches hats one day. We concentrated way to hard on where to place each item, but we laughed a lot. {See Shanel's Blog} How do you like that trick Nancy?

3. I am really grateful to be alive, after having a near death experience on Thursday. I was stressing about the world affairs, listening to Rush on the radio and talking on the phone, as I was driving down the road. I approached a major intersection and didn't even slow down for the red light.(what in the world) The next thing I knew a car was about to hit me broadside. I don't know how she missed me, yes I do Heavenly Father saved me!

4. I woke up Saturday morning to the sound of rain. Normally it would be wonderful in St. George, but I had just had my windows washed. Every time I get my windows washed, low and behold...it rains. I couldn't help but giggle and then I remembered the poor Marathon...it was all my fault. As most of you know, Reg is all about making breakfast. After waking up to the rain he made us a Grand Slam breakfast which included...Eggs, Bacon, Hash browns, Pancakes, Toast, Fruit, Juice & Herbal Tea! Yum, I didn't have to eat the rest of the day.

5. I have been looking forward to General Conference since last April! We received wonderful counsel and reassurance from our Prophet and apostles. I was reminded to....LISTEN for the still small voice; find "Joy in the Journey" NOW; make the most of TODAY; as a family, church and country we need to be of one heart and one mind, we need to be UNIFIED; place the
SAVIOR at the center of our lives; be a PEACEMAKER and many other lessons for me to work on.
6. Shenise's Mother-In-Law, Rhonda, has been on her death bed in ICU for the past week. After her Ward & family fasted for her she made a miraculous recovery. Rhonda is now out of ICU and improving everyday. We are so grateful for answered prayers.


Anonymous said...

OK, you had to have gotten help with this!!! What a fabulous blog, I am soooo impressed! I mean, you have a link to Shanel's blog and pictures and a Sunday Six sign....This is just too much!! I'll be over for some pointers this week.

Shanel said...

Nice work Mom! You are so smart. You must have some good teachers!

JoJo and Ralph said...

Super super cute blog, Sherrie. I will look forward to reading it daily as I work from 6am to 1pm and then have absolutely no life. And that is A OKAY. Reggie and Wendy came over to visit last night. I hope they will want to be our friends and hang out from time to time now that I can have friends again. They are just my type.

The fly-fisherman said...

Wow Sherrie! What a darling blog. I love that the "just a tad bit older" generation is becoming so computer savy. I still don't know how to do too much... I have to call Kami and have her walk me through each process of blogging. It looks like I may be calling you soon.

Shenise said...

MOM! I'm so shocked and impressed...now I must know how you did that link to Shanel's blog. And what about all of those pictures??? Nice touch! So my only question is why Sunday Six and not Sunday Seven? I needs to be be SEVEN because there are seven days in the week!