About Me

SIMPLY...plainly: without embellishment. Just so you'll have no expectations, that's why I named my blog "Simply Sherrie". I don't do much on the computer, I'm not very creative, and our daily routine with just Reg, Suki (our cat) and myself is not very exciting. So here we go, the important thing is that my life as a blogger is about to begin......

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sherrie's Simple Sunday Six

1. I cleaned and organized my closet. It makes me feel so good when I walk through it and everything is in it's place.

2. I am so happy that it is fall and I can sleep with my window open. We only have a short amount of time to enjoy this fabulous weather. I figure I only have two months out of the year to do this. The rest of the time we either have the heat or the air on.

3. I went up north and got to see Cade, Jason and Kristin's 4 year old, play soccer. Jason called last week and said that he had scored 3 goals, one for his team and 2 for the other team. I had to see it for myself. Sure enough he scored another fabulous goal this week...for the other team. As I walked on the soccer field it was just like going back 30 years when Jason played. There was Cade, a full head taller than anyone else on his team, with those long skinny legs. He was just happy to be there with his friends. The competitive spirit will come soon enough. I couldn't help but smile.

4. This is baby Jack! He is such a sweet baby and I love spending time with him. I feel like every time I see him we just get warmed up to each other and then I leave. But this weekend he even reached out for me and it made my heart warm.

5. Sat. night Wendy, Rylee,Grandma Shirley, Brittney and I went to see THRILLER . Jen, Lance's wife dances with Oddysey Dance Company based out of Salt Lake City. Every year they do this fabulous show all in the spirit of Halloween. It features the famous Halloween charactors, like Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Bride, Beetlejuice, Chucky, Jason.etc. Jen is one of the stars of the show. She is an amazing dancer and has traveled throughout Europe, Korea, Costa Rica, and all over the United Stated preforming. She has the perfect "dancers body" and beautiful technique. We had so much fun and always love to see her dance.

6. Shanel, my wonderful daughter is my "Blogger Lifesaver". She has had so much patience with me while I am trying to learn all there is to know about posting, editing, layouts, settings and so on. All I have to do is call her and she just says "I'll be right over Mom". I feel so sorry for her cause she is the only child here in St. George so she is my assistant in all the projects I get involved in. (Shenise it really isn't such a bad thing that you don't live here, just ask Shanel) Thanks again Shanel for all that you do!


Anonymous said...

Hey, great Sunday Six!! It was fun to hear all about your trip up north, sounds like a very busy and fun time. Cade and Jack are sooo cute, I love Jack's blond hair. Shanel really is a lifesaver, in so many ways, even a lifesaver for your friends (like me).

Kris said...

SHERRIE, It is so wonderful to read about your week. The photos are so good for a long-distance friend, like me. I wouldn't even recognize Jen. Do you realize I have never even met her? She is beautiful. I would love to see her dance sometime. Cade scoring for the other team is hilarious. 4 is such a cute age. I think it is my favorite.
I will be thinking of you while you are gone on your wonderful trip...wishing we were with you.

Grammy Staffy said...

Hi Sherri,
I found you from Nancy's blog. It is so nice to get to pop in and visit your family.

I will add you to my google reader list and come back often if that is ok with you.

I like your Sunday Six. Nancy and Kris got me started on that too. I'm glad that you like the Sunday Six sign I made...Nancy was using it too but she hasn't lately...It makes me smile that the 2 of you like my little sign.

I hope that you will drop by my blog and say hello. I'd love hearing from you.
Have a good week.